Humor. While nowhere near as funny as Postal 2, the game did make me smile a few times. It has a 2000’s decade sense of humor, and was made for people who enjoy video games. Not for the Twitch “gamer gurls” and 300 pound pink haired land whales on Twitter that now LARP as gamers. I also enjoy the dated references, such as having a Sarah Palin and Cesar Millian the Dog Whisperer knock offs in the game.
Feels like if MDickie made a shooter, hit boxes are way off, the game lags at times, and some missions are unbeatable.
So I finally played the infamous Postal III, and yes it is really that bad, and no I do not recommend it. That being said, I did enjoy messing around with it, and feel like it was worth the 99 cent sale price I paid for it. As I understand, Postal III was outsourced to a Russian company that was going under and firing developers as it was being made, so because of that it feels more like an unfinished beta version than an actual game. If you are familiar with MDickie games, it feels a lot like if MDickie were to make a shooter. It’s just sad because Postal 2 is one of the funniest and most comfiest video games I’ve ever played, and Postal III is just a mess. If you’re a diehard Postal 2 fan then 99 cents is a fair price, just understand that this is a broken game, and you’ll probably want to install a few mods. I’ll list some mods down below.
CONTROLLER: Go into the config file and change “joystick=0” to “joystick=1” this will make your controller instantly work, with the exception of selecting weapons, that part is a bit touch and go, and you’ll probably still need to use your mouse wheel for that.
VCAM: Improved third person camera, and gives the option for first person camera.
NO SPLASH SCREENS: Eliminates a couple of the 40 splash screens at the start of the game.
OMEGA PUNCH: Gives you a one hit kill, with how bad the hit boxes are, it makes the game a bit more fair.
CLASSIC DUDE: The Dude is dressed in his Postal 2 attire.
SIMPLE DOT CROSS: A less obnoxious looking crosshair.
100% SAVE: Basically gives you a level select option, you’re going to want this.
Humor. While nowhere near as funny as Postal 2, the game did make me smile a few times. It has a 2000’s decade sense of humor, and was made for people who enjoy video games. Not for the Twitch “gamer gurls” and 300 pound pink haired land whales on Twitter that now LARP as gamers. I also enjoy the dated references, such as having a Sarah Palin and Cesar Millian the Dog Whisperer knock offs in the game.
Feels like if MDickie made a shooter, hit boxes are way off, the game lags at times, and some missions are unbeatable.
So I finally played the infamous Postal III, and yes it is really that bad, and no I do not recommend it. That being said, I did enjoy messing around with it, and feel like it was worth the 99 cent sale price I paid for it. As I understand, Postal III was outsourced to a Russian company that was going under and firing developers as it was being made, so because of that it feels more like an unfinished beta version than an actual game. If you are familiar with MDickie games, it feels a lot like if MDickie were to make a shooter. It’s just sad because Postal 2 is one of the funniest and most comfiest video games I’ve ever played, and Postal III is just a mess. If you’re a diehard Postal 2 fan then 99 cents is a fair price, just understand that this is a broken game, and you’ll probably want to install a few mods. I’ll list some mods down below.
CONTROLLER: Go into the config file and change “joystick=0” to “joystick=1” this will make your controller instantly work, with the exception of selecting weapons, that part is a bit touch and go, and you’ll probably still need to use your mouse wheel for that.
VCAM: Improved third person camera, and gives the option for first person camera.
NO SPLASH SCREENS: Eliminates a couple of the 40 splash screens at the start of the game.
OMEGA PUNCH: Gives you a one hit kill, with how bad the hit boxes are, it makes the game a bit more fair.
CLASSIC DUDE: The Dude is dressed in his Postal 2 attire.
SIMPLE DOT CROSS: A less obnoxious looking crosshair.
100% SAVE: Basically gives you a level select option, you’re going to want this.