Johnny Cage
Special Moves:
Green Bolt: ⇦ , ⇨, LP
Shadow Kick: ⇦ , ⇨, LK
Ball Breaker: BL + LP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, HP (close)
Special Moves:
Spin Attack: ⇨, ⇩, ⇦ , ⇧ , ⇨
Knife Throw: Hold BL, ⇦ , ⇨
Finishing Moves:
Fatality: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇨, LP
Special Moves:
Teleport: ⇩, ⇧
Lightning: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Torpedo: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨
Finishing Moves:
Fatality: ⇨, ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , HP (close)
Liu Kang
Special Moves:
Fireball: ⇨, ⇨, HP
Flying Kick: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality: ⇨, ⇩, ⇦ , ⇧ , ⇨
Special Moves:
Spear: ⇦ , ⇦ , LP
Teleport: ⇩, ⇦ , HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality: Hold BL, ⇧ , ⇧ (half screen)
Special Moves:
Ice Freeze: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Slide: Hold ⇦ + LP + LK + BL
Finishing Moves:
Fatality: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HP (close)
Special Moves:
Ring Toss: ⇦ , LP, ⇦ , LP
Leg Grab: ⇩ + BL + LP + LK
Square Flight: ⇨, ⇦ , HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , ⇦ , BL
Lui Kang
Special Moves:
High Fireball: ⇨ , ⇨ , HP (can be performed in air too)
Low Fireball: ⇨ , ⇨ , LP
Flying Kick: ⇨ , ⇨ , HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 4 seconds
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇩, ⇨ , ⇦ , ⇦ , HK (close)
Fatality 2: Hold BL, ⇩, ⇨ , ⇧, ⇦ , ⇩, ⇨ …(sweep)
Friendship: ⇨, ⇦, ⇦, ⇦, LK
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨ , ⇦ , LK
Stage: Hold BL, ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LK (close)
Kung Lao
Special Moves:
Teleport: ⇩, ⇧
Diving Kick: ⇩ + HK (in air)
Hat Throw: ⇦ , ⇨ , LP (Use ⇧ and ⇩ to control the hat)
Whirlwind Spin: ⇧, ⇧, LK (keep pressing LK to spin longer)
Headbutt: HP (close)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LK (sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold LP, ⇦ , ⇨ , release LP (far), control the hat with ⇧ and ⇩ so that it hits your opponents neck
Friendship: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, HK
Babality: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , HK
Stage: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇨ , HP (close)
Johnny Cage
Special Moves:
Drop-Kick: HK or LK (close)
Shadow Kick: ⇦ , ⇨ , LK
Low Green Bolt: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇨ , LP
High Green Bolt: ⇨ , ⇩, ⇦ , HP
Ball Breaker: LP + BL (close)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨ , ⇨ , LP (close)
Fatality 2: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩, ⇧ (close), Hold ⇩ + LP + LK + BL until Cage performs the move and he will knock off three heads
Friendship: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, HK
Babality: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , HK
Stage: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, HK (close)
Special Moves:
Acid Spit: ⇨ , ⇨ , HP
Slide: ⇦ + LP + LK + BL
Forceball: ⇦ , ⇦ , HP + LP
Invisibility: ⇧, ⇧, ⇩, HP (using BL)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, LP (half screen)
Fatality 2: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩, LK (must be invisible and close)
Friendship: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, LK
Babality: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇦ , LK
Stage: ⇩, ⇨ , ⇨ , BL (close)
Special Moves:
Freeze: ⇩, ⇨ , LP
Ground Freeze: ⇩, ⇦ , LK
Slide: ⇦ + LP + LK + BL
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: PART 1 - ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩, HK (sweep) PART 2 - When your opponent is frozen, jump into close range and press: ⇨ , ⇩, ⇨ , ⇨ , HP
Fatality 2: Hold LP, ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, ⇨ , release LP (far)
Friendship: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, HK
Babality: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇦ , HK
Stage: ⇩, ⇨ , ⇨ , BL (close)
Shang Tsung
Special Moves:
Flaming Skull: ⇦ , ⇦ , HP
Two Flaming Skulls: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨ , HP
Three Flaming Skulls: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , HP
Liu Kang: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , BL
Kung Lao: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇦ , HK
Johnny Cage: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, LP
Reptile: Hold BL, ⇧, ⇩, release BL, HP
Sub-Zero: ⇨ , ⇩, ⇨ , HP
Kitana: BL, BL, BL
Mileena: Hold HP for 2 seconds and release
Baraka: ⇩, ⇩, LK
Scorpion: Hold BL, ⇧, ⇧, release BL
Raiden: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇨ , LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold HK for 2 seconds and release it (sweep)
Fatality 2: ⇧, ⇩, ⇧, LK (close)
Fatality 3: Hold LP for 25 seconds during the round and release when the announcer says “Finish Him/Her!” (sweep)
Special Moves:
Fan Swipe: ⇦ + HP
Fan Throw: ⇨ , ⇨ , HP + LP (works in air too)
Fan Lift: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , HP
Flying Punch: ⇨ , ⇩, ⇦ , HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: BL, BL, BL, HK (close)
Fatality 2: Hold LK, ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩, ⇨ , release LK (close)
Friendship: Hold BL, ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, ⇧, LK
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, LK
Stage: ⇨ , ⇩, ⇨ , HK (close)
Special Moves:
Energy Wave: ⇨ , ⇩, ⇦ , HK
Ground Punch: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Gotcha Grab: ⇨ , ⇨ , LP (keep tapping LP for extra hits)
Backbreaker: BL (in air)
Body Slam: Perform a Throw and repeatedly press HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: BL, BL, BL, BL, LP (not too close but < sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold LP, ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇨ , release LP (close)
Friendship: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧, ⇧, LK
Babality: ⇩, ⇧, ⇩, ⇧, LK
Stage: ⇧, ⇧, ⇩, LK (close)
Special Moves:
Teleport Kick: ⇨ , ⇨ , LK
Ground Roll: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, HK
Sai Throw: Hold HP for 2 seconds and release (can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇨ , ⇦ , ⇨ , LP (close)
Fatality 2: Hold HK for 3 seconds and release (close)
Friendship: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, ⇧ + HK
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, HK
Stage: ⇨ , ⇩, ⇨ , LK (close)
Special Moves:
Blade Swipe: ⇦ + HP
Double Kick: HK, HK
Blade Spark: ⇩, ⇦ , HP
Blade Fury: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , LP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , HP (close)
Fatality 2: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇩, ⇨ , LP (close)
Friendship: ⇧, ⇨ , ⇨ , HK
Batality: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇨ , HK
Stage: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩, HK (close)
Special Moves:
Spear: ⇦ , ⇦ , LP
Teleport: ⇩, ⇦ , HP (can be done in air too)
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Scissors: ⇨ , ⇩, ⇦ , LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇧, ⇧, HP (sweep)
Fatality 1 Toasty Version: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧, ⇧, HP (sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold HP, ⇩, ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇨ , Release HP (close)
Friendship: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, HK
Babality: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇦ , HK
Stage: ⇩, ⇨ , ⇨ , BL (close)
Special Moves:
Lightning: ⇩, ⇨ , LP
Torpedo: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨ (can be done in the air too)
Teleport: ⇩, ⇧
Electric Grab: Hold HP for 5 seconds and release (2-Player Game Only)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release and tap BL + LK (close)
Fatality 2: Hold HP for 4 seconds, then release (close)
Friendship: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇨ , HK
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧, HK
Stage: ⇧, ⇧, ⇧, HP (close)
Special Moves:
Fan Lift: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , HP
Fan Toss: ⇨, ⇨, HP + LP (can be done in air too)
Air Punch: ⇩, ⇦ , HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: RN, RN, BL, BL, LK (close)
Fatality 2: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, HK (close)
Animality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, ⇩ + RN (between close and sweep)
Babality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HK
Friendship: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇨, ⇨, LP
Stage: ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, LK
Special Moves:
Acid Spit: ⇨, ⇨, HP
Fast Force Ball: ⇨, ⇨, HP + LP
Slow Force Ball: ⇦ , ⇦ , HP + LP
Invisibility: ⇧ , ⇩, HK
Reverse Elbow: ⇦ , ⇨, LK
Slide: ⇦ + LP + BL + LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨, ⇩, BL (outside sweep)
Fatality 2: Hold BL, ⇨, ⇨, ⇧ , ⇧ , release BL, HK (small distance)
Animality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, ⇧ , HK (close)
Babality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , ⇩, LK
Friendship: ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , HK (close)
Stage: BL, RN, BL, BL
Special Moves:
Energy Rings: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Wave Punch: ⇨, ⇦ , HP
Bicycle Kick: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, HK
Leg Throw: ⇩ + LP + BL
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL + RN, ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇦ , ⇩ (half screen)
Fatality 2: ⇦ , ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, R (more than half screen)
Animality: Hold LP, ⇦ , ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, release LP (close)
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, LK
Friendship: ⇦ , ⇨, ⇦ , ⇩ + RN
Stage: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, HP
Special Moves:
Bionic Rush: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Single Shot: ⇦ , ⇨, HP
Double Shot: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , ⇦ , HP
Ground Smash: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Gotcha Grab: ⇨, ⇨, LP (keep pressing LP to keep punching)
Quad Throw: Throw and tap HP repeatedly
Backbreaker: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, ⇧ , ⇩, ⇨, ⇧ , release BL (close)
Fatality 2: RN, BL, RN, RN, LK (full screen)
Animality: Hold LP, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, then release LP (close)
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, LK
Friendship: LK, RN, RN, LK
Stage: ⇩, ⇨, ⇩, LP
Special Moves:
Shadow Shoulder: ⇨, ⇨, LK
Arrow Shot: ⇩, ⇦ , LP
Hatchet Swipe: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Projectile Reflection: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , HK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇦ , ⇨, release BL, BL (close)
Fatality 2: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, HP (sweep)
Animality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇩ (close)
Babality: ⇨, ⇦ , ⇨, ⇦ , LP
Friendship: RN, RN, RN, RN + ⇩ (sweep)
Stage: RN, RN, BL
Special Moves:
High Boomerang: ⇦ , ⇨, HP
Mid Boomerang: ⇦ , ⇨, LP
Low Boomerang: ⇦ , ⇨, LK
Projectile Invincibility: ⇦ , ⇨, HK
Shadow Kick: ⇩, ⇨, LK
Return Low Boomerang: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨, LP (Will only return if your opponent is human and if he ducks under the boomerang)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL, ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇩, ⇨, HP (close)
Fatality 2: RN, RN, RN, BL, RN (close)
Animality: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, LK (close)
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, ⇩, HK
Friendship: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇦ , ⇦ , HK
Stage: ⇦ , ⇨, ⇩, RN
Special Moves:
Spear: ⇦ , ⇦ , LP
Teleport Punch: ⇩, ⇦ , HP (can be done in air)
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧ , HK (past sweep)
Fatality 2: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇧ , RN (close)
Animality: ⇨, ⇧ , ⇧ , HK (close)
Babality: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨, HP
Friendship: ⇦ , ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , LK (close)
Stage: ⇨, ⇧ , ⇧ , LP
Special Moves:
Knife Throw: ⇩, ⇦ , HP
Knife Uppercut: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Ball Roll: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Upwards Ball Roll: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HK
Grab and Shake: ⇩, ⇨ + LP
Air Take Down: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LP, ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, release LP (close)
Fatality 2: LP, BL, BL, HK (sweep)
Animality: Hold HP, BL, BL, BL (close)
Babality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, LK
Friendship: LK, RN, RN, HK
Stage: ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇦ , LK
Special Moves:
Sai Throw: Hold HP for 2 seconds, then release (can be done in air)
Air Kick: ⇨, ⇨ + LK
Ground Roll: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, HK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨, LK (full screen)
Fatality 2: ⇩, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LP (close)
Animality: ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, HK (close)
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, HP
Friendship: ⇩, ⇩, ⇦ , ⇨, HP
Stage: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, LP
Special Moves:
Telekinetic Slam: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇦ , HK
Green Blast: ⇩, ⇦ , LP
Teleport Punch: ⇩, ⇦ , HP (can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇩, ⇧ , ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: RN, BL, RN, RN, HK (close)
Stage: RN, RN, RN, RN, LK
Sub-Zero (Klassic)
Special Moves:
Freeze: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Ground Freeze: ⇩, ⇦ , LK
Slide: ⇦ + LP + BL + LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, HP (close)
Stage: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, HP
Sub-Zero (Unmasked)
Special Moves:
Ice Blast: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Ice Clone: ⇩, ⇦ , LP (can be done in air too)
Ice Shower Front: ⇩, ⇨, ⇦ , HP
Ice Shower Over: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Ice Shower Behind: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇨, HP
Slide: ⇦ + LP + BL + LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩, ⇦ , RN (sweep)
Fatality 2: BL, BL, RN, BL, RN (close)
Animality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇧ , ⇧ (close)
Babality: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇦ , HK
Friendship: LK, LK, RN, RN, ⇧
Stage: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, HK
Special Moves:
Missile: ⇨, ⇨, LP
Heat Seeking Missile: ⇨, ⇩, ⇦ , HP
Teleport Punch: ⇨, ⇨, LK (can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: LP, RN, RN, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , BL (far)
Animality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇧ (close)
Babality: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, HK
Friendship: RN, RN, RN, RN, ⇩ (half screen)
Stage: RN, RN, RN, ⇩
Special Moves:
Fireball: ⇨, ⇨, LP
Air Fireball: ⇩, ⇨, LK (while jumping or floating)
Scream: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, HP
Float: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨, HK (press BL to land)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: RN, RN, BL, RN, BL (sweep)
Fatality 2: RN, BL, BL, RN + BL (close)
Animality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇧ , HP (close)
Babality: RN, RN, RN, ⇧
Friendship: RN, RN, RN, RN, RN, ⇧
Stage: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, LP
Special Moves:
Rushing Attack: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Baton Takedown: ⇨, ⇦ , LP
Low Grenade: ⇩, ⇦ , LP
High Grenade: ⇩, ⇦ , HP
Gun: ⇦ , ⇨, HP
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇩, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, BL (close)
Fatality 2: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, LK (full screen)
Animality: RN, RN, RN, BL (sweep)
Babality: ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , HP
Friendship: LP, RN, RN, LP
Stage: ⇨, ⇧ , ⇧ , HK
Special Moves:
Far Bomb Toss: Hold LK, ⇨, ⇨, HK
Near Bomb Toss: Hold LK, ⇦ , ⇦ , HK
Teleport: ⇨, ⇩, BL (can be done in air too)
Green Net: ⇦ , ⇦ , LK
Air Run: (When you are on ground, and victim is in air) ⇩, ⇨, BL (when you're near the victim in mid air press ⇦ + LP to throw)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧ , ⇩, HP (close)
Fatality 2: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, ⇧ , RN (close)
Animality: ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇩, ⇩ (close)
Babality: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , HP
Friendship: RN, RN, RN, ⇧
Stage: RN, BL, RN
Kung Lao
Special Moves:
Hat Throw: ⇦ , ⇨, LP
Diving Kick: ⇩, HK (in air)
Spinning Shield: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, RN (tap RN repeatedly)
Teleport: ⇩, ⇧
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: RN, BL, RN, BL, ⇩
Fatality 2: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦ , ⇩, HP (inside sweep)
Animality: RN, RN, RN, RN, BL (close)
Babality: ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, HP
Friendship: RN, LP, RN, LK (past sweep)
Stage: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, LK
Special Moves:
Top Spin: ⇦ , ⇨, LK
Fireball: ⇦ , ⇦ , HP (can be done in air too)
Ground Saw: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , RN
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇩, ⇩, ⇦ , ⇨, BL (far)
Fatality 2: RN, BL, BL, BL, HK (close)
Animality: Hold HP, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, then release HP (close)
Babality: RN, RN, LK
Friendship: RN, LK, RN, RN, ⇧ (outside sweep)
Stage: BL, BL, HK
Special Moves:
Earthquake Stomp: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇦ , HK
Fireball: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Teleport Stomp: ⇩, ⇧
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, LP (close)
Fatality 2: Hold HK, ⇨, ⇦ , ⇨, ⇨, release HK (close)
Animality: RN, BL, BL, BL, BL (sweep)
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, ⇦ , HK
Friendship: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, start, HP
Stage: ⇩, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LP
Shang Tsung
Special Moves:
Single Fireball: ⇦ , ⇦ , HP
Double Fireballs: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨, HP
Triple Fireballs: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨, ⇨, HP
Triple Ground Fireballs: ⇨, ⇦ , ⇦ , LK
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold LP, ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩ (close)
Fatality 2: Hold LP, RN, BL, RN, BL (close)
Animality: Hold HP, RN, RN, R (sweep)
Babality: RN, RN, RN, LK
Friendship: LK, RN, RN, ⇩
Stage: ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇦ , LP
Cyrax: BL, BL, BL
Classic Sub-Zero: BL, BL, RN, RN
Ermac: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧
Jade: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, BL
Jax: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, LP
Kabal: LP, BL, HK
Kano: ⇦ , ⇨, BL
Kitana: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, RN
Kung Lao: RN, RN, BL, RN
Liu Kang: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇧ , ⇨, ⇩ (360° forward)
Mileena: RN, BL, HK
Nightwolf: ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇧
Reptile: RN, BL, BL, HK
Scorpion: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, LP
Sektor: ⇩, ⇨, ⇦ , RN
Sheeva: Hold LK, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, release LK or ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LK, LK
Sindel: ⇦ , ⇩, ⇦ , LK
Sonya: ⇩ + RN + LP + BL
Stryker: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, HK
Sub-Zero: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HP
Liu Kang
Special Moves:
High Fireball: ⇨, ⇨, HP (can be done in air too)
Low Fireball: ⇨, ⇨, LP
Flying Kick: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds, then release
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, LK
Fatality 2: ⇧ , ⇩, ⇧ , ⇧ , BL + RN
Animality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧ (sweep)
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, HK
Friendship: RN, RN, RN, ⇩ + RN
Stage: RN, BL, BL, LK
Cyber Smoke
Special Moves:
Harpoon: ⇦ , ⇦ , LP
Teleport Uppercut: ⇨, ⇨, LK (can be done in air too)
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Invisibility: Hold BL, ⇧ , ⇧ , RN
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: Hold BL ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇨, ⇩ (full screen)
Fatality 2: Hold RN + BL, ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, ⇧ (sweep)
Animality: ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, BL (full screen)
Babality: ⇩, ⇩, ⇦ , ⇦ , HK
Friendship: RN, RN, RN, HK (full screen)
Stage: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, LK
Human Smoke
Special Moves:
Spear: ⇦ , ⇦ , LP
Teleport Punch: ⇩, ⇦ , HP (can be done in air too)
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Fatality 1: RN, BL, RN, RN, HK (close)
Babality: ⇩, ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨, HP
Stage: ⇨, ⇧ , ⇧ , LP
Unlock Hidden Characters:
Player 1:
HP(2) LP(2) BL(2) HK(4) LK(6)
Player 2:
HP(2) LP(2) BL(2) HK(4) LK(6)
Player 1:
HP(1) LP(2) BL(3) HK(4) LK(4)
Player 2:
HP(4) LP(4) BL(3) HK(1) LK(2)
Player 1:
HP(8) LP(1) BL(8) HK(5) LK(3)
Player 2:
HP(8) LP(1) BL(8) HK(5) LK(3)
Select Cyber Smoke, hold Left + RN + BL + HP + HK until the match starts.
Special Moves:
Weapon: ⇩ , ⇦ , LP
Hands Walking: BL + LK (BL to feet)
Leg Kicks: (on hands) HK or LK
Hand Spin: (on hands) Hold LP
Fireballs: ⇦ , ⇦ , HP or ⇨ , ⇨ , LP (+ air)
Powerslide: ⇩, ⇨, LK
Air Fist: ⇩ , ⇨ , HP
Finishing Moves:
Backbreaker: (BL) U, ⇨, U, ⇦, HK (close)
Fireball :U, U, U, ⇩ + BL (outside sweep)
Prison Stage: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩ , BL (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇩ , HK (close)
Special Moves:
Mallet: ⇨ , ⇦ , HP
Lightning: ⇩ , ⇦ , LP
Teleport: ⇩ , ⇧
Torpedo: ⇨ , ⇨ , LK (Can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Electrocution: Hold BL and press ⇨ , ⇦ , ⇧ , ⇧ , HK (close)
Electric Impalement: ⇩ , ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇧ , HP (close)
Prison Fan: ⇩ , ⇨ , ⇦ , BL (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩ , LP (close)
Special Moves:
Bladed Staff: ⇦ , ⇨ , LP
Sub-Zero: ⇩ , ⇦ , LP
Jarek: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , LK
Tanya: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇩ , BL
Raiden: ⇩ , ⇨ , ⇨ , HP
Fujin: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇦ , HK
Reiko: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇦ , BL
Jax: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HK
Johnny Cage: ⇩ , ⇩ , HP
Quan,Chi: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇦ , ⇨ , LK
Liu Kang: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨ , HK
Kai: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LK
Reptile: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇨ , BL
Scorpion: ⇨ , ⇦ , LP
Sonya: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HP
Finishing Moves:
Hand of Death: ⇩ , ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇩ , R
Two Hand Smash: ⇩ , ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇩ , BL
Prison Fan: ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩ , ⇨ , ⇦ + HP (close)
Liu Kang
Special Moves:
Flamberge: ⇦ , ⇨ , LK (Press immediately HP during combo for a hidden weapon move)
High Fireball: ⇨ , ⇨ , HP (can be done in air too)
Low Fireball: ⇨ , ⇨ , LP
Flying Kick: ⇨ , ⇨ , HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds and release
Finishing Moves:
Dragon: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩ , BL + HK + LK (sweep)
Throw and Fireball: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇧ , HP (close)
Prison Fan: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇦ , LP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇦ , HK (close)
Special Moves:
Battle Axe: ⇦ , ⇦ , LK
Special Weapon Move: ⇦, Hold HP (Move ⇦ and ⇨)
Acid Spit: ⇩ , ⇨ , HP
Invisibility: BL + HK
Dashing Punch: ⇦ , ⇨ , LP
Dashing Crawl: ⇦ , ⇨ , LK
Finishing Moves:
Face Chew: Hold HP + HK + LP + LK , ⇧ (close)
Acid Puke: ⇧ , ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇩ , HP (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇩ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HK (close)
Special Moves:
Broadsword: ⇨ , ⇨ , HK
Sword Spin: ⇩ , Hold LP (Move ⇦ and ⇨)
Spear: ⇦ , ⇦ , LP
Teleport: ⇩ , ⇦ , HP (Can be done in air too)
Flaming Belch: ⇩ , ⇨ , LP
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Toasty: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇦ , BL (sweep)
The Sting: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇧ , HP (sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇩ , LK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LK (close)
Special Moves:
Spiked Club: ⇩ , ⇨ , HP
Dashing Punch: ⇩ , ⇦ , LP
Fireball: ⇩ , ⇨ , LP
Ground Pound: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩ , LK
Backbreaker: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Arm Rip: Hold LK , ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ then release (close)
Head Clap: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩ , BL (close)
Prison Fan: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇦ , LK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇦ , HP (close)
Special Moves:
Spiked Club: ⇩ , ⇦ , HP
Flip Kick: ⇦ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HK
Teleport: ⇩ , ⇧ , press BL to throw the opponent (Can be done in air too)
Quick Spin Behind: ⇦ , ⇨ , LK
Shurikens: ⇩ , ⇨ , LP
Finishing Moves:
Torso Kick: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , LP + LK + HK + BL (close)
Shuriken Shower: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩ , ⇩ , HK (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇦ , LP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩ , LK (close)
Johnny Cage
Special Moves:
Long Sword: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , LK
High Fireball: ⇩ , ⇨ , HP
Low Fireball: ⇩ , ⇦ , LP
Shadow Uppercut: ⇦ , ⇩ , ⇦ , HP
Shadow Kick: ⇦ , ⇨ , LK
Split Punch: BL + LP
Finishing Moves:
Torso Rip: ⇨ , ⇦ , ⇩ , ⇩ , HK (close)
Decapitation: ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇨ , ⇩ , BL (close)
Prison Fan: ⇩ , ⇨ , ⇨ , HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LK (close)
Special Moves:
Falchion Sword: ⇨ , ⇨ , HP
Cannon Ball: ⇦ , ⇨ , LK
Diagonal Cannonball: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HP
Triple Blade: ⇩ , ⇦ , LP
Telekinetic Slam: ⇦ , ⇩ , ⇦ , HK
Finishing Moves:
Heart Rip: ⇨ , ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LK (close)
Eye Laser: ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇨ , ⇨ , BL
Prison Fan: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LP (close)
Special Moves:
Boomerang: ⇨ , ⇨ , HK
Fireball: ⇩ , ⇨ , HP
Air Fireball: ⇩ , ⇦ , LP (in air)
Forward Drill Kick: ⇨ , ⇨ , LK
Split Kick: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇦ , LK
Finishing Moves:
Twisted Kiss: ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇧ , ⇩ , HP + BL (close)
Neck Break: ⇩ , ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HK (close)
Prison Fan: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇩ , HP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇨ , LP (close)
Special Moves:
Crossbow: ⇦ , ⇦ , LP
Levitation: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HP
Slam: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇩ , LK (while levitating)
Whirlwind: ⇨ , ⇩ , LP (Hold LP to keep spinning)
Flying Knee: ⇦ , ⇨ , HK
Diving Kick: ⇩ + LK (in air)
Double Diving Kick: Hold ⇩, LK, LK (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Explosion: R + BL 5 times (sweep)
Wind Skinner: ⇩ , ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇧ , BL (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇩ , HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇦ , HP (close)
Special Moves:
Freeze Wand: ⇩ , ⇨ , HK Wand Freeze: ⇦ + LP
Ice Blast: ⇩ , ⇨ , LP
Ice Clone: ⇩ , ⇦ , LP (Can be done in air too)
Slide: LP + BL + LK
Finishing Moves:
Spine Rip: ⇨ , ⇦ , ⇨ , ⇩ + HP + BL + R (close)
Deep Freeze: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩ , ⇦ + HP (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: Hold BL , ⇩ , ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇧ , HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇩ , LK (close)
Quan Chi
Special Moves:
Spiked Club: ⇩ , ⇦ , HK
Teleport Stomp: ⇨ , ⇩ , LK
Weapon Steal: ⇨ , ⇦ , HP
Green Fireball: ⇨ , ⇨ , LP
Slide: ⇨ , ⇨ , HK
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Leg Beat Up: Hold LK , ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ then release (close)
Mimic: ⇧ , ⇧ , ⇩ , ⇩ , LP (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇩ , HP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨ , ⇨ , ⇦ , LK (close)
Special Moves:
Bladed Wheel: ⇨ , ⇨ , LK
Energy Ring: ⇩ , ⇨ , LP
Bicycle Kick: ⇦ , ⇦ , ⇩ , HK
Square Wave Punch: ⇨ , ⇦ , HP
Leg Grab: ⇩ + LP + BL
Cartwheel: ⇦ , ⇩ , ⇨ , LK
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Death Kiss: Hold BL , ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇧ , RN (sweep)
Leg Twist: ⇧ , ⇩ , ⇩ , ⇧ , HK (close)
Prison Fan: ⇩ , ⇦ , ⇦ , HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨ , ⇩ , ⇨ , HP (close)