Mortal Kombat Gold
Special Moves:
Light Saber: ⇦, ⇨, HP
Close Bombs: ⇦, ⇦, HK
Far Bombs: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Net: ⇦, ⇦, LK
Teleport: ⇨, ⇩, BL (also in air)
Air Jump: ⇩, ⇨, BL
Finishing Moves:
Self Destruct: Hold BL and press ⇧, ⇧, ⇨, ⇩, BL (close)
Armageddon: Hold BL and press ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, ⇧, RN (sweep)
Prison Stage: ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, HP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩, ⇦, ⇦, LP (close)
Special Moves:
Long Sword: ⇨, ⇨, LP
Sai Throw: Hold HP for 3 sec. release (also in air)
Teleport Kick: ⇨, ⇨, LK
Ground Roll: ⇦, ⇦, ⇩, HK
Finishing Moves:
Nail Spit: ⇨, ⇦, ⇨, LP (sweep)
Sai Flings: ⇦, ⇦, ⇦, ⇨, LK (sweep)
Prison Stage: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, HP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩, ⇨, ⇩, LP (close)
Special Moves:
Flying Blade: ⇨, ⇦, HK
Fan Throw: ⇨, ⇨, HP+LP (also in air)
Fan Lift: ⇦, ⇦, ⇦, HP
Fan Swipe: ⇦ + HP
Square Wave Punch: ⇩, ⇦, HP
Finishing Moves:
Kiss of Death: ⇦, ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, HK (close)
Fan Decap: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LK (close)
Prison Stage: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, LK (close)
Kung Lao
Special Moves:
Battle Axe: ⇦, ⇦, HP
Special Weapon Move: ⇦, Hold HP (Move ⇦ and ⇨)
Hat Throw: ⇦, ⇨, LP
Diagonal Kick: ⇩ + HK (in air)
Teleports: ⇩, ⇧
2xTeleport: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧
Whirl Spin: Hold BL, ⇧, ⇧, LK or ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, RN
Finishing Moves:
Quick Decap: ⇦, ⇦, ⇨, LP (sweep+)
Hat Maim: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, ⇩, HP (sweep+)
Prison Stage: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, HP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LK (close)
Special Moves:
Saber-Toothed Cane: ⇦, ⇦, HK
Special Weapon Move: ⇦, Hold HP (Move Back and Forward)
Blade Swipe: ⇦ + HP
Blade Fury: ⇦, ⇦, ⇦, LP
Blade Spark: ⇩, ⇦, HP
Blade Spin: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, BL, keep holding BL for faster spin
Finishing Moves:
Blade Decap: ⇦, ⇦, ⇦, ⇦, HP (close)
Impaled Lift: ⇦, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LP (sweep)
Prison Stage: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩, ⇦, ⇦, LK (close)
Special Moves:
Bladed Wheel: ⇨, ⇨, LK
Energy Ring: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Bicycle Kick: ⇦, ⇦, ⇩, HK
Square Wave Punch: ⇨, ⇦, HP
Leg Grab: ⇩ + LP + BL
Cartwheel: ⇦, ⇩, ⇨, LK
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Death Kiss: Hold BL, ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, ⇧, RN (sweep)
Leg Twist: ⇧, ⇩, ⇩, ⇧, HK (close)
Prison Fan: ⇩, ⇦, ⇦, HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HP (close)
Special Moves:
Spiked Club: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Dashing Punch: ⇩, ⇦, LP
Fireball: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Ground Pound: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, LK
Backbreaker: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Arm Rip: Hold LK, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨ then release (close)
Head Clap: ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, BL (close)
Prison Fan: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, LK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, HP (close)
Liu Kang
Special Moves:
Blamberge: ⇦, ⇨, LK (Press immediately HP during combo for a hidden weapon move)
High Fireball: ⇨, ⇨, HP (Can be done in air too)
Low Fireball: ⇨, ⇨, LP
Flying Kick: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Bicycle Kick: Hold LK for 3 seconds and release
Finishing Moves:
Dragon: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, BL + HK + LK (sweep)
Throw and Fireball: ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, ⇧, HP (close)
Prison Fan: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, LP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, HK (close)
Johnny Cage
Special Moves:
Long Sword: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LK
High Fireball: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Low Fireball: ⇩, ⇦, LP
Shadow Uppercut: ⇦, ⇩, ⇦, HP
Shadow Kick: ⇦, ⇨, LK
Split Punch: BL + LP
Finishing Moves:
Torso Rip: ⇨, ⇦, ⇩, ⇩, HK (close)
Decapitation: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, ⇩, BL (close)
Prison Fan: ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, LK (close)
Special Moves:
Freeze Wand: ⇩, ⇨, HK Wand Freeze: ⇦ + LP
Ice Blast: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Ice Clone: ⇩, ⇦, LP (Can be done in air too)
Slide: LP + BL + LK
Finishing Moves:
Spine Rip: ⇨, ⇦, ⇨, ⇩ + HP + BL + RN (close)
Deep Freeze: ⇦, ⇦, ⇩, ⇦ + HP (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: Hold BL, ⇩, ⇧, ⇧, ⇧, HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, LK (close)
Special Moves:
Spiked Club: ⇩, ⇦, HP
Flip Kick: ⇦, ⇩, ⇨, HK
Teleport: ⇩, ⇧, press BL to throw the opponent (Can be done in air too)
Quick Spin Behind: ⇦, ⇨, LK
Shurikens: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Finishing Moves:
Torso Kick: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, LP + LK + HK + BL (close)
Shuriken Shower: ⇦, ⇦, ⇩, ⇩, HK (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇩, ⇩, ⇦, LP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, LK (close)
Special Moves:
Falchion Sword: ⇨, ⇨, HP
Cannon Ball: ⇦, ⇨, LK
Diagonal Cannonball: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HP
Triple Blade: ⇩, ⇦, LP
Telekinetic Slam: ⇦, ⇩, ⇦, HK
Finishing Moves:
Heart Rip: ⇨, ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, LK (close)
Eye Laser: ⇧, ⇧, ⇨, ⇨, BL
Prison Fan: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, LP (close)
Special Moves:
Mallet: ⇨, ⇦, HP
Lightning: ⇩, ⇦, LP
Teleport: ⇩, ⇧
Torpedo: ⇨, ⇨, LK (Can be done in air too)
Finishing Moves:
Electrocution: Hold BL and press ⇨, ⇦, ⇧, ⇧, HK (close)
Electric Impalement: ⇩, ⇧, ⇧, ⇧, HP (close)
Prison Fan: ⇩, ⇨, ⇦, BL (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, LP (close)
Special Moves:
Boomerang: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Fireball: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Air Fireball: ⇩, ⇦, LP (in air)
Forward Drill Kick: ⇨, ⇨, LK
Split Kick: ⇨, ⇩, ⇦, LK
Finishing Moves:
Twisted Kiss: ⇩, ⇩, ⇧, ⇩, HP + BL (close)
Neck Break: ⇩, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HK (close)
Prison Fan: ⇦, ⇨, ⇩, HP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, LP (close)
Special Moves:
Broadsword: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Sword Spin: ⇩, Hold LP (Move ⇦ and ⇨)
Spear: ⇦, ⇦, LP
Teleport: ⇩, ⇦, HP (Can be done in air too)
Flaming Belch: ⇩, ⇨, LP
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Toasty: ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, BL (sweep)
The Sting: ⇦, ⇨, ⇩, ⇧, HP (sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, LK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, LK (close)
Special Moves:
Weapon: ⇩, ⇦, LP
Hands Walking: BL + LK (BL to feet)
Leg Kicks: (on hands) HK or LK
Hand Spin: (on hands) Hold LP
Fireballs: ⇦, ⇦, HP or ⇨, ⇨, LP (+ air)
Powerslide: ⇩, ⇨, LK
Air Fist: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Finishing Moves:
Back Breaker: (BL) ⇧, ⇨, ⇧, ⇦, HK (close)
Fireball :⇧, ⇧, ⇧, ⇩ + BL (outside sweep)
Prison Stage: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, BL (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦, ⇨, ⇩, HK (close)
Special Moves:
Battle Axe: ⇦, ⇦, LK
Special Weapon Move: ⇦, Hold HP (Move ⇦ and ⇨)
Acid Spit: ⇩, ⇨, HP
Invisibility: BL + HK
Dashing Punch: ⇦, ⇨, LP
Dashing Crawl: ⇦, ⇨, LK
Finishing Moves:
Face Chew: Hold HP + HK + LP + LK, ⇧ (close)
Acid Puke: ⇧, ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, HP (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, LP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, HK (close)
Special Moves:
Bladed Staff: ⇦, ⇨, LP
Cyrax: ⇩, ⇦, ⇩, LK
Mileena: ⇦, ⇦, ⇩, LP
Kitana: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, HP
Kung Lao: ⇩, ⇨, ⇦, HK
Baraka: ⇨, ⇦, ⇨, LP
Sonya: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HP
Jax: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HK
Liu Kang: ⇦, ⇦, ⇨, HK
Johnny Cage: ⇩, ⇩, HP
Sub-Zero: ⇩, ⇦, LP
Reiko: ⇦, ⇦, ⇦, BL
Jarek: ⇦, ⇦, ⇦, LK
Raiden: ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, HP
Tanya: ⇦, ⇨, ⇩, BL
Scorpion: ⇨, ⇦, LP
Kai: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, LK
Reptile: ⇦, ⇦, ⇨, BL
Fujin: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, HK
Quan-Chi: ⇦, ⇨, ⇦, ⇨, LK
Finishing Moves:
Hand of Death: ⇩, ⇦, ⇨, ⇩, RN
Two Hand Smash: ⇩, ⇧, ⇧, ⇩, BL
Prison Fan: ⇩, ⇩, ⇨, HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩, ⇨, ⇦ + HP (close)
Special Moves:
Crossbow: ⇦, ⇦, LP
Levitation: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, HP
Slam: ⇦, ⇨, ⇩, LK (while levitating)
Whirlwind: ⇨, ⇩, LP (Hold LP to keep spinning)
Flying Knee: ⇦, ⇨, HK
Diving Kick: ⇩ + LK (in air)
Double Diving Kick: Hold ⇩, LK, LK (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Explosion: RN + BL 5 times (sweep)
Wind Skinner: ⇩, ⇨, ⇨, ⇧, BL (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇩, ⇩, ⇩, HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇦, ⇨, ⇦, HP (close)
Quan Chi
Special Moves:
Spiked Club: ⇩, ⇦, HK
Teleport Stomp: ⇨, ⇩, LK
Weapon Steal: ⇨, ⇦, HP
Green Fireball: ⇨, ⇨, LP
Slide: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Air Throw: BL (in air)
Finishing Moves:
Leg Beat Up: Hold LK, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨ then release (close)
Mimic: ⇧, ⇧, ⇩, ⇩, LP (outside sweep)
Prison Fan: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, HP (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, LK (close)
Special Moves:
Laser Gun: ⇦, ⇨, HK
Missile: ⇨, ⇨, LP
Double Missiles: ⇦, ⇦, ⇨, LP
Seeking Missile: ⇨, ⇩, ⇦, HP
Teleport Punch: ⇨, ⇨, LK
Finishing Moves:
Flame Thrower: ⇨, ⇨, ⇩, ⇨, BL
Compactor: ⇨, ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, BL (sweep)
Prison Stage: ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇩, ⇨, ⇦, LK (close)
Noob Saibot
Special Moves:
Scythe: ⇨, ⇨, HK
Block Orb: ⇦, ⇦, ⇨, ⇨, HK
Teleport: ⇩, ⇧, press BL to throw the opponent (also in air)
Fireball ⇩, ⇨, LP (also in air)
Air Throw: BL (close, in air)
Finishing Moves:
Reiko's Torso Kick: ??? (Use HP after activating one button fatalities)
Sub-Zero's Deep Freeze: ??? (Use LP after activating one button fatalities)
Prison Stage: ⇩, ⇦, ⇦ + HK (close)
Goro's Lair: ⇨, ⇩, ⇨ + HK (close)
Special Moves:
Fireball: ⇨, ⇦, HP
Lunge Kick: ⇦, ⇦, HK
Super Uppercut: ⇩, ⇩, HP
Double Hand Swipe: ⇨, ⇨, HP
Tele Stomp: ⇨, ⇨, ⇦, HK
Ground Stomp: ⇦, ⇨, ⇩, ⇩, HK
Finishing Moves:
Reiko's Torso Kick: ??? (Use HP after activating one button fatalities)
Cage's Decapitation: ??? (Use LP after activating one button fatalities)
Prison Fan: N/A
Goro's Lair: N/A
Hidden Characters:
To play as one of the hidden characters activate the Cheat Menu.
Noob Saibot:
Highlight the Hidden option. Then press and hold LT + RT While still holding these buttons, select Reiko with the A button.
Highlight the Hidden option. Then press and hold LT + RT. While still holding these buttons, select Shinnok with the A button.
Highlight the Hidden option. Then press and hold LT + RT. While still holding these buttons, select Cyrax with the A button.
Begin a two-player game and select Group Mode. Win all 20 consecutive matches. After your last win with Quan Chi, Meat will replace your chosen character with all the same moves.
Cheat Menu:
At the title screen tap ⇧, ⇧, ⇩, ⇩, ⇦, ⇦, ⇨, ⇨. You will hear "Outstanding" if you do it right. Press the Start button to advance to the main menu. Press LT + RT to activate the cheat menu.
Default Kontrols:
D-Pad Up - Jump
D-Pad Right - Move Character
D-Pad Down - Crouch
D-Pad Left - Move Character
A - LP
B - LK
X - HP
Y - HK