Friday, January 28, 2022

Secret Agent HD

Secret Agent Man 5/5


The platforming and combat consists of you controlling a very floaty (in a good way) Secret Agent with his handgun as a weapon.You will be using said handgun against a large number of ninjas, robots, and sharks…..the typical enemies of every spy.

The levels are all fairly short maze-like designs that require you to pick up certain colored keys to access the same colored door, before you can finish any level you’ll need to destroy a satellite first, as well as find some dynamite to blast through the exit door. Dying or screwing up the right way out of a level happens often, and while this is mildly frustrating, you’ll usually end up being able to speed run the level by your second attempt, and that feels very satisfying. 


I picked up Secret Agent HD while it was on sale, and I could have got it even cheaper if I went with the original non-HD version. I do prefer the look of the non-HD version graphically, and I could have saved a little extra going that route, but HD perks were well worth the extra cost.

Not having to go through the process of setting up my controller through DOSBox, and just being able to plug in my controller to have it instantly work was a treat. DOSBox always seems to force me to use this analog stick, but with the HD version I could happily use the D-Pad. Saving is also very easy in this version, whenever you are on the world map, just press Start, scroll down to highlight the save option, then click the bottom face button. I assume the non-HD version probably requires typing on the keyboard to save.

The HD version also has achievements! While I’m not the biggest achievement hunter in the world, you can’t deny that they do add a little extra life to a game, so that’s a nice bonus.