Thursday, March 23, 2023

Rogue Company


You jump out of a plane, then run around and shoot people wearing furry cosmetics that you bought, this formula of gameplay makes Gen Z and Gen A’s brains light up like a fucking Christmas tree apparently, so why stop it.

A lot like the game Shatterline, I randomly downloaded this free to play game knowing nothing, and got a couple hours of entertainment out of it. However, much like Shatterline, or just games in general now, I’m not sure if I want to invest a trillion hours/dollars into unlocking the entire game by the time I turn 90 years old.

Despite my SPICY comments, I did rather enjoy this game and will keep it on my hard drive for a bit longer. I liked playing as Ronin, but there are so many characters still locked, I’m sure there are probably better characters to play as.