I've been on a quest to play every free WEG (Western Erotic Game) on Steam. I've already come to terms that this Steam account is completely ruined, and can never be revealed to anyone that I have to make eye contact with in real life, so why not right?
For the most part these games provide some form of entertainment, but not this one. The story manages to be both bland and unsettling. I did get a couple of chuckles out of the game, but I honestly think they were unintentionally funny scenes as I don’t trust the creator to understand how entertainment works.
The MC (Main Character) that you are supposed to relate with has this giant Easter Island statue looking head with a Fabio style hair. He also always has this expression on his face like he is about to explain some “Bro Science” to you, like “yeah BRO, just take cold showers in the morning to raise your T levels BRO” or “BRO just put a stick of butter in your coffee for maximum GAINS!!” I honestly think all of these games should avoid ever showing the MC’s face, but that’s just me.
Finally, and the worst thing yet are animations. These are by far the worst animations I’ve come across in one of these types of games. This would be okay if the story was interesting in some way, but it’s not. At 2 and a half hours, I had to throw in the towel brothers.
Best Girl: I dunno, probably that Asian bitch who pees on you in an airplane, I forget her name, Bulma San or Shinsuke Nakamura or something?