Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Since Steam decided to flag and blacklist my original review for Manhunt, my review will now only be available on my website Death Adder Reviews. 

You’re not looking so hot right now Steam, I crunched some numbers down below and….


Freedom Of Speech: Yes πŸ”³ No ☑️

Actually Owning Your (Digital) Video Games: Yes ☑️ No πŸ”³

Free Triple-A Game Giveaways: Yes ☑️ No πŸ”³


Freedom Of Speech: Yes πŸ”³ No ☑️

Actually Owning Your (Physical) Video Games: Yes ☑️ No πŸ”³

Free Triple-A Game Giveaways (With Games With Gold): Yes ☑️ No πŸ”³


Freedom Of Speech: Yes πŸ”³ No ☑️

Actually Owning Your (Digital) Video Games: Yes πŸ”³ No ☑️

Free Triple-A Game Giveaways: Yes ☑️ No πŸ”³


Freedom Of Speech: Yes πŸ”³ No ☑️

Actually Owning Your (Digital) Video Games: Yes πŸ”³ No ☑️

Free Triple-A Game Giveaways:Yes πŸ”³ No ☑️

…..a triple NO, oh no Steam bros, I don’t feel so good.


It is a game made by Rockstar before they had their cock and balls surgically removed and were left with a gaping hole of wildly unusable disappointment left in its place (see Grand Theft Auto 6 leaks) and for that, I give it a solid 100 out of 10. 


Manhunt Store Page > Community Hub > Guides > Install the ManhuntFixer mod.


In case you find the mouse and keyboard to be a painful chore to play video games like myself, here is a JoyToKey controller setup that I made to get you started, adjust accordingly.

Stick 1 Left: A

Stick 1 Right: D

Stick 1 Up: W

Stick1 Down: S

Stick 2 Left: Mouse Left

Stick 2 Right: Mouse Right

POV Up: 1, Up Arrow

POV Right: 2, Right Arrow

POV Down: 3, Down Arrow

POV Left: 4, Left Arrow

Button 1: Enter

Button 2: R

Button 3: Q

Button 4: E

Button 5: Ctrl

Button 6: R-Crtl

Button 8: Escape 

Button 9: Tab

Button 10: F

Button 11: R-Click

Button 12: L-Click

Monday, September 19, 2022




I am a sucker for bright neon colors. I first came into existence during the sweltering summer of 83’ so a lot of my childhood was surrounded by neon colors. There is a reason why I still think the WWF’s Ultimate Warrior was the coolest looking pro wrestler look of all time, the dude was draped in neon from head to toe. The 1980’s was all brown furniture and neon t-shirts back then, and it was based as fuck.


Gameplay wise it is okay, it plays similar to Rad Racer. You earn money from each race which is then put into upgrading your car parts, repairing damage to your car, adding fuel to your car, and being able to enter new races. I think the money system in the game is a bit overkill and becomes very tedious. I just want to race and upgrade my car parts every so often, and not have to spend 2 grand on repairs every few races.


I realize not every racing soundtrack will have GOD TIER tunes like Burnout Revenge to get your blood pumping, but the “electronic 80’s music”or whatever the fuck it’s called, was just kind of okay. 


The game is a solid 3 out of 5. It took me a while to warm up to it because of the money grinding, but once your car isn’t a total piece of shit, you can start to have some fun. The neon colors are a true feast for the eyes, but wait until it’s on a deep discount.


Thursday, September 15, 2022

Motherless - Season 1


I've been on a quest to play every free WEG (Western Erotic Game) on Steam. I've already come to terms that this Steam account is completely ruined, and can never be revealed to anyone that I have to make eye contact with in real life, so why not right?

For the most part these games provide some form of entertainment, but not this one. The story manages to be both bland and unsettling. I did get a couple of chuckles out of the game, but I honestly think they were unintentionally funny scenes as I don’t trust the creator to understand how entertainment works.

The MC (Main Character) that you are supposed to relate with has this giant Easter Island statue looking head with a Fabio style hair. He also always has this expression on his face like he is about to explain some “Bro Science” to you, like “yeah BRO, just take cold showers in the morning to raise your T levels BRO” or “BRO just put a stick of butter in your coffee for maximum GAINS!!” I honestly think all of these games should avoid ever showing the MC’s face, but that’s just me.

Finally, and the worst thing yet are animations. These are by far the worst animations I’ve come across in one of these types of games. This would be okay if the story was interesting in some way, but it’s not. At 2 and a half hours, I had to throw in the towel brothers.

Best Girl: I dunno, probably that Asian bitch who pees on you in an airplane, I forget her name, Bulma San or Shinsuke Nakamura or something?


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Hamster Playground


Cute as a mug. I named my hamster Giga-Ham who I’d like to think is a direct digital descendant of my teddy bear hamster named Teddy from middle school. I used to occasionally feed Teddy french fries and jelly beans, he was the best of all of us. 

In this game you tend to your hamster kind of like a Sims character and play mini games online with other players. As an adult the gameplay wears out fast, but I could see a kid getting a few hours of fun out of it. The game would really benefit having Steam achievements to hunt down. Playing this game with some easily obtainable achievements while you’re listening to a podcast or something, it would really help.

Meat Saw


Meat Saw is a modern day spin on the 1998 romantic comedy Can't Hardly Wait, where you play as Meat Saw McGraw, a single bachelor who just can’t seem to find the perfect girl, that is until now. While the main objective in Meat Saw is to find love, you end up finding yourself along the way.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Gun Devil


One of the bosses is a dog that shoots bones out of it’s anal cavity, it doesn’t matter how good at video games you think you are, no amount of practice can prepare you for such an epic battle. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. 



Fighting Game


-Cartoon booba.

-The Bunny Girl with the oversized carrot weapon is my new waifu.

-Visually pleasing.



-All of the text is in Klingon.

-The CPU has no rhyme or reason behind its attacks and just goes ape sh*t off in the corner.

-Only 3 fighters, Bunny Girl, Cat Girl, and some Dog Guy who I could never get to even move.

-Just not enough content.


Player 1 Controls

Up: K

Right: D

Down: S

Left: A

Weak Attack: J

Strong Attack: U

Special Attack: I

Player 2 Controls

Up: Up Arrow

Right: Right Arrow

Down: Down Arrow

Left: Left Arrow

Weak Attack: 1

Strong Attack: 2

Special Attack: 3


It is SORT OF worth playing for 10 minutes, the Bunny Girl’s special move is turning into a BeetleBorg and that is pretty neat. I’d recommend firing up JoyToKey and slapping in the controls listed above before you begin.


Hunt For Junk


A cute Game Boy inspired platformer that is fun and challenging enough to keep you engaged, it also costs you zero dimes to play. 


Monday, September 5, 2022

Dead By Daylight: Leatherface DLC (2022 Review)




“We were told by Twitter that we should be offended by Leatherface’s different face skins, and we want them gone nooooow!! REEEEEE!!! REEEE!!! REEEEEEEE!!!!!”


“Yes, I am offended now too, thanks for letting me know that I am offended, we will remove this movie accurate and fun thing from our video game immediately! Beee booop beeee booooop boop!!”


“But Leatherface literally wears different people’s faces in the movie, it is the entire point of the character and why he is called Leatherface.”


“ Did you say leather mini skirts?! I love wearing those, they go great with my Grizzly Adams beard!! Beeeee booop boop bee boop boop!!!”


-Barbecue & Chili, Franklin’s Demise, and Knock Out are all good perks, although I am pretty sure each of those perks have been nerfed to hell and back lmao, isn’t every killer nerfed once they stop selling as well? I used to use Franklin’s Demise a lot back in the day, but now I just equip Lightborn on every Killer to avoid those pesky flashlight saves, so it’s whatever.


Bubba (Leatherface) was my PB and J during DbD’s Golden Era while I was on my XBOX DbD account. Ya know, a lot of the current fan base doesn’t realize this, but Dead By Daylight originally started out as a Horror Game before it became a Twitter Simulator. A lot has changed since the Golden Era, including a complete rework of how Bubba plays. I will admit that while his rework isn’t terrible, it is just not as comfy and satisfying to camp as it once was. I decided to spend the $2.49 to get Bubba on my STEAM DbD account during a sale to try my best and relive some nostalgia. While you can still collect a huge vile of Survivors' tears with Bubba, in this day and age you might as well just use The Hillbilly, also that way you aren’t further supporting Behaviour Interactive.