Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Postal 2


I’ve so far only made it to the end of Tuesday in the game due to the controller support being ultra sloppy, but I plan on finishing it eventually. I love the humor in the game and the Original XBOX era of graphics is charming. Outside of the controller issues the game has a really “comfy” feel to it, if that makes any sense.


-A video game made before everyone pretended to be offended by everything on Twitter.

-A video game made before Twitter.

-Features my hero Gary Coleman.


-The controller support is barely functional at times, and anytime I’d change around some of the buttons, it would make some of the other buttons not function properly, you will need to keep a keyboard nearby, which makes this hard to play plugged into a TV.

Controller Support: Eh, in an uncomfortable nightmare world sort of way…...ya, kind of?